Using PATCH's Model for Youth Engagement, these programs strive to bring youth voice into important adolescent health conversations while providing the knowledge, resources, support, skills, and opportunities needed for youth to become healthy, connected, and thriving adults.

We currently have two replicable youth engagement programs: the PATCH Teen Educator Program and the PATCH Teen Consultant Program.

As a replication partner, you get immediate access to our PATCH Coaches who will support and guide you every step of the way.

Teen Educator Program

The PATCH Teen Educator Program promotes open, honest, and medically accurate conversations between adolescents and their health care providers with the goal of improving the way youth access, receive, and experience health care.

Teen Educators are hired and trained to facilitate the PATCH for Providers and PATCH for Teens: Peer-to-Peer Workshops throughout their communities.

As part of the PATCH Teen Educator Program, we want youth and health professionals alike to grow in their knowledge, confidence, and ability to access/provide youth friendly services as young people transition from pediatric to adult-based care.

Teen Consultant Program

The PATCH Teen Consultant Program ensures youth voice is prioritized in adolescent health initiatives with the goal of improving the way programs, policies, and practices that impact youth are designed and implemented.

Teen Consultants are hired and trained to build advocacy skills and develop comfort sharing their unique ideas, perspectives, and concerns. They bring youth perspective to the projects and initiatives of individuals, organizations, and systems working to improve adolescent health.

As part of the PATCH Teen Consultant Program, we want youth and organizations alike to grow in their knowledge, confidence, and ability to partner and incorporate youth voice into the decisions that affect them.