Find us @thepatchprogram!
Let introductions continue! Help us welcome the newest team of PATCH Teen Consultants! They live across the state of Wisconsin and came together in person for a weekend training, before they returned to their communities for a year of virtual collaboration! This awesome team will meet weekly to grow as advocates and to lend their voices, experiences, and ideas to various programs, policies, and decisions being made across the state #becauseTHEYaretheexperts. #PATCHies
Election season can be STRESSFUL! Are you taking care of your mental health?! Do you have a plan for prioritizing your mental health as the election continues to feature in the news and on social media more and more?!
Stressed about politics? Here are 5 ways to take care of your mental health
Psychologists say it's normal to feel stress and negative emotions in times of uncertainty. There are also things you can do to take care of yourself.